Why choose ESCE’s Management & Consulting program?
More and more companies are calling on the outside services of consulting firms. They specialize in fields such as marketing, sales, finance, management and strategy. They provide invaluable support to organizations and companies, helping them to transform.
Would you like to become a consultant? Join the Management & Consulting course in 4th year of ESCE’s Grande École program and develop the essential skills needed for this profession.
Offered entirely in English in Paris and Lyon, this course will teach you to carry out diagnostics within a variety of companies, and to conduct CSR, strategy, governance and human resources audits. It will help you develop your listening, analytical and persuasive skills.
What is the Management & Consulting program?
The Management & Consulting program features courses taught by experienced professors and professionals, effectively combining theory and practice.
You will take the following courses during your studies:
- organizational diagnosis ;
- cash now ;
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems ;
- strategic diagnosis.

What is the degree awarded by the Master in Management program?
Since 2009, ESCE’s Master in Management program has offered the opportunity to obtain a Master’s degree, a guarantee of a very high level of academic and professional skills. It is issued by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
The PGE diploma is a level 7 (EU) 2nd year postgraduate qualification, registered with the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) under number 36815.
What are the career prospects for the Management & Consulting course?
ESCE’s Management & Consulting program offers a wide range of opportunities in strategy, operational strategy and certification firms.
After your studies, you can apply for the following positions:
- change management consultant ;
- CSR consultant ;
- talent management.
What are the admission requirements for the Management & Consulting Grande Ecole Program?
The Management & Consulting pathway is planned for the 4th and 5th years of the PGE. It is open to holders of a bachelor’s degree or a licence (bac+3) or to students who have validated 180 ECTS credits for entry into 4th year.
Is it possible to study abroad during the Management & Consulting Grande Ecole Program?
ESCE’s Master in Management program has a strong international focus. Throughout their studies, students have the opportunity to carry out exchanges in one of ESCE’s 190 partner universities and schools. In particular, you can study abroad during your 2nd or 4th year. What’s more, internships are planned throughout your course. These internships can also be carried out in foreign companies.
ESCE’s international department can help you with your international mobility needs. In particular, it will help you find accommodation and assist you with administrative formalities before your departure or once you’re here.
Apply to ESCE’s Management & Consulting program
International application
Are you an international student interested in joining the Management & Consulting track of ESCE’s Grande École program, or would you like more information about the courses and career opportunities available?

French application
French students can apply directly to ESCE’s Grande École Program via the school’s website.

Program features

program type
This program prepares you for a Grande Ecole program.

admission level
To apply, you need to have 3rd year undergraduate diploma.

back to school
The intake starts in autumn, in September.

This course is given in English.

This course can be taken at the Paris and Lyon campuses.

Tuition fees*
The annual tuiton fees for this course is
11 400€.
*International Student Pack: €490 mandatory fee for exclusive support services for international students.